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Pure essential oils for use in your diffusers, dryer balls, in your bath or shower, or your favorite DIY wellness recipes!


Botanical name: boswellia serrata

Properties: Warm and spicy scent that centers and soothes emotions and calms the mind. Known to strengthen the immune system and help promote healing

Ingredients: 100% Pure Essential Oil

Size: 10ml or 15ml

Packaging: Amber glass bottle with dropper tip

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For more information on our ingredients visit our Essential Oil Glossary page.

How to Use

Pure essential oils have a variety of uses but always use care when working with these powerful and concentrated oils. Always dilute within a carrier oil if using topically and never take essential oils internally. Some oils may stain or etch countertops so make sure to clean up spills quickly.

Add a few drops to a diffuser to add aromatherapy effects to a room. For best results run your diffuser for 30-60 minutes then take a break for at least 30-60 minutes. This routine gives you maximum effectiveness without overdoing it. Also be mindful of others in the space. Young children, pregnant women, and pets are extra sensitive to essential oils so make sure to use with care.

Apply Diluted Oil to Skin
Add to your favorite carrier oil such as coconut, sweet almond oil, jojoba, or even olive oil and massage into skin. Make sure to dilute to 3-5% which is about 3-5 drops of essential oil to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil. You can also add pure essential oils to your favorite unscented lotions or liquid soaps for a clean natural scent.

Add a few drops to wool laundry ball and place balls in dryer with your laundry. The oils will help freshen your clothes.

Mix water, alcohol or witch hazel, and a 15-20 drops of essential oil to a spray bottle to make a room spray. Add in white vinegar to make a disinfecting surface cleaner.

*Immediately discontinue use if any allergic reaction or irritation occurs.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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